*Advantages of PHP WordPress code Autocomplete:

For being a web developer which programming language one have to learn that’s are  HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT and PHP. And for working you have to know about the most famous PHP  based content management system WordPress. You can boost your WordPress coding by using notepad++.

using notepad++

Notepad++ is an text editor only. Its not an IDE. Yet you can use it as an IDE.  It means you can editing PHP script  and coding it here. For getting this advantages  download this file from here

 WordPress Autocomplete for Notepad++

After downloading extract the zip file and  open PHP.XML in notepad++ and edit the line

line no.2192 where replaced ‘&’ with ‘&amp;’ <Overload retVal=”string” descr=”Escape single quotes, htmlspecialchar ‘ &lt; &gt; &amp;, and fix line endings.”>
Now coping  the PHP.XML paste in Notepad++ install directory. And restart Notepad++.

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